Heil-Tönen Besingen Soundhealing
Lichttempel Angeln
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© 2001 U. Albrecht

Stand 02.12.03

Harmonics are existing in every voice. Every human being is producing harmonics when talking and naturally when singing. It may be surprising that we do not notice them very easily, though they are surrounding us everywhere. In nature, too, we can find harmonics in any noise and sound, in all instruments and even beyond that in any technical machine, like engines for example, etc.

The consciousness of hearing is developing during the process of listening to harmonics, first by listening to another voice and then to one's own voice.

The harmonic tones are swinging on a basic tone on a comfortable pitch in a harmonic and unlimited scale and can easily be expressed by singing. They connect us with the cosmos and attribute to transformation. During the process of singing harmonics, singular harmonic tones become audible through simple techniques and at least two tones appear at the same time (the basic and the harmonic tone).

Harmonics have a very special effect due to their natural sequence. They help to produce harmony and relaxation. I experienced harmonics as cosmic music and as intensifier of light in all its facets. Many of the experiences I had with harmonics encouraged me to let other people know about the healing effects of harmonics and I developed a concept to sing harmonics to the body, spirit and soul of human beings.

When participating in my seminars, you are diving into intensive experiences with harmonics. By concentrating on the organ of hearing you perceive other dimensions of existence. You will learn how to produce harmonics and how to make them audible. Furthermore, you are going to know how to carry out specific energy work with the harmonics, for example chakra work and how these tones have effects on the different bodies. We are learning together how to sing to others.

No previous knowledge is required. All participants are welcome who are willing to analyse their voice, the harmonics and its effects. I would especially like to invite musicians, teachers and therapists to open themselves to a new kind of sound experience.

Thomas Heinrich Schmöckel

Thomas Heinrich Schmöckel, born in 1962, is very involved in creating a culture of singing harmonics and spreading harmonic music to make its effects popular and useful. He is working as a seminar leader, lecturer, musician and artist.

  • In 1988, his first encounter with harmonics took place, and for nine years he was a member of the internationally well known "Obertonchor Düsseldorf" - 6 CD productions. In the course of years, he developed a method to sing harmonic tones to persons.
  • Concerts and seminar work in Germany and abroad.
  • In 1998, he added gongs, also in nature, to his work
  • In 1999, his first solo CD appeared: "spaces - inner space" appeared.
  • In the middle of 2000, he moved from Düsseldorf to Flensburg where he participated in founding the seminar centre called KAIROS.
  • In autumn 2000, he founded the harmonic chorus "ObertonArt" in Flensburg
  • In 2001, he started the first "sound healer-education" in Flensburg
  • In autumn 2002, his CD "VoiceChanges" produced by ObertonArt and his solo-CD "ExTension" with harmonic singing and gong-sound-voyage appeared.
  • In 2003, the light temple Angeln was initiated with a group of 80 light workers.
