Heil-Tönen Besingen Soundhealing
Lichttempel Angeln
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© 2001 U. Albrecht

Stand 02.12.03

For a new Heaven and a new Earth!!

The Light Temple Angeln
The sistertemple of Shamballa

Light Temple Angeln General Information 1.12.2003

Initialised: Light festival on 29.05.2003, Ascension of Christ.
By: A group of 80 light temple and other spiritual workers.

The sister temple of Shamballa

Hierarch: Master Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha
and the conference of the rised masters, world teachers, archangel and angels ...
The light worker temple is serving the communication between the “spiritual and terrestrial” areas and the increase of energy on earth on the way to a New Era, The New Age.

Threefold flame: Gold, Blue, Rose;
Golden Light for the creation of the Golden Era, The Golden Age;
Golden divine nectar.

Quality: Healing on the way into the New Era.
Achievement of our own mastership, activation of the Christ-Power in us.
The golden nectar – activation of the golden nectar in our own heart.
Better and easier communication between human beings and the spiritual areas.

Music: The Own Tuning
or as supporting medium the “TuningUp” of the CD “VoiceChanges” produced by
Available on www.obertonart.de

The temple is a powerful and energetic help on the way into the New Era. Now, the temple is existing in an ethereal region, above the landscape Angeln in Schleswig-Holstein / North Germany. The centre of the temple lies above Angeln. Its radiant power and significance goes beyond the complete North of Schleswig-Holstein and the South of Denmark. It is the sister temple of Shamballa.
With every visit to this temple its sphere of effects is being reinforced in the same way as its light intensity. The temple serves to lead our consciousness into the New Era, to experience a new quality of energy in ourselves and in our surroundings and to follow up this way. The power of the temple is supporting us to increase our personal energy level and thereby the energy level around us in a larger sense – in our close and more distant surroundings, up to all areas of humankind -.
The temple is a communication point between all “human beings” and the spiritual areas, so to say a conference centre – for exchange, communication and advice – for all light workers. We give advice to each other and work together to realise a harmonic transition into the Aquarius Age.

The temple is working with us for “A new Heaven and a new Earth”.

The light temple above Angeln is at the same time a healing place for you or your “charges”. E.g. you may voyage to this temple within your meditation groups or with your patients to get into contact with the spiritual hierarchies.

In the temple there is a fountain with golden divine nectar.
The divine nectar is serving healing, purification, blissful happiness and physical and spiritual strengthening ...
At this place, you may find help for your spiritual work and healing offered to human beings or to the world around you.
The divine nectar is at the same time a reflection of your own divine nectar that we produce in the centre of our heart. The reflection serves as support to perceive the production of nectar in yourself, to feel and to use your own nectar for your own healing.
As a sign of respect you may give up a drop of your heart nectar into the fountain to help increasing the quantity of nectar, but you may also take out as much as you need of the divine nectar.

The temple is also a reflection of your heart and all its possibilities.

The more we join the community, the more powerful we will become!
(Jesus Christ: Where two or three persons come together in my name, there I am, too ... - Kyron: Four spiritually developed persons are as powerful as a complete football stadium filled with people)
In the temple you will always find some spiritual beings full of light, so that you can always find there a community.

The light temple Angeln is an important lighting point in the light network of the light workers and of this planet Earth.

The light workers are being supported
- to experience strengthening for the own mastership

- to reinforce the divine spark and care for it
- to revive and extend the Christ-Power
- to develop the “I am” power

- to produce own golden divine nectar
- to spread the nectar out of the own heart
- to spread and share divine energy, love and force, always being connected again with this temple

- with every human being
- with the country
- with the planet Earth

The practising light workers may offer their light and nectar to this temple in regular or irregular periods aiming at an increase of light and nectar by the number of persons belonging to the community and therefore being able to let it rain down on the earth in abundance.

For a new Heaven and a new Earth !!

Further information and further activities, light festivals etc.:
Birgit Marita Wisotzki +49-461-581818 bwiso@gmx.de
Helga Knies +49-461-26530 vaikuntha@foni.net
Thomas Heinrich Schmöckel +49-461-4808497 schmoeckel@hynricks.de and www.tschmoeckel.de

Text: Thomas H. Schmöckel, Große Str. 37, 24937 Flensburg / Germany,+49-461-4808497
Date: 01.12.2003