Monastery Palpung Sherapling

2 days later I arrive at the Palpung Sherabling monastery. I saw earlier on the map that there are some stupas and closed by a stupa guest house. The next day I convinced the owner of a reduction, but for free I can not stay. The guest house is so beautiful.
I did not know, how many Tibetan monasteries are build in this area. Palpung Sherabling is a education center with so many buildings on a mountain top. And there are 8 big stupas. The restaurant has very good food at resonable prices and good portions. I feel so good at this place with wonderful space-energy.
It’s rarely, that I come to such a huge place and within minutes I get a good introduction and meet so open people, having really good and deep conversation. One of them is Nancy from US. See is coming here since a long time to see her master. Some time ago, members of her family had african slaves and she works on healing this part of her family history.

I made myself a time frame, based on seasons, visa issues and visitors to come and see me. In this case I want to walk to Mandi, before I go back by bus to join Vipassana retreat in Dharamsala. After two nights my time is up at this lovely place…. even though my heart would love to stay….. Nancy shows me a beautiful shortcut through the forest and rice flields….

Any feedback or question

Facebook: Thomas Heinrich Schmöckel
Facebook: steppps peacewalk
Whatsapp: +30 698 0654542
Fotos on instagram: schmockelthomasheinrich

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