Not at all – Norway
Peace Pilgrim in Pension – not at all.
Friedenspilger in Rente – von wegen.
Reaching the North Sea, I cycled north, meeting the Vestkysten route no 1 (west coast route) I followed it north. With the support of the wind, which came now from the south (very unusual at all, but to this time of the year even more).
And slowly it started sink into my mind. The north is calling.
With some exceptions the wind continued to come from the south. One day it changed the direction – super strong wind from the north. But this did not change the calling towards the north, it was more a greeting from North. All together the wind and weather supported the cycle journey northways.
I met two cyclists, Johannes and Richard, much quicker on the way, also towards north, at one of the beautiful shelters in Denmark. Based of Allmende (a culture in Scandinavia, which means, that All the nature belongs to everyone) Denmark, Country, Counties and Cities/Villages builded shelters, for all to use for free. There is an app, telling you the location and you are invited to stay there for a night. There are shelters, where you can sleep with a sleeping bag or tent. Water and toilet are available mostly and greatly taken care. Johannes and Richard cycled 120km a day, had to reach a ferry to Norway on Friday for some climbing activities there, wanted to cycle back, after that. It’s just wonderful and it’s a special spirit to meet other cyclists on the way. And they have been some other very nice encounters on the way.
One day I met Jonas and I told him my starting thoughts about going north, maybe even to Norway. I told him about my earlier connections to northern Scandinavia and some of my intense spiritual experiences, insides and my work with it. It was good, to speak it out, but still more thoughts, but kind of unrealistic to this time of the year. Who travels in autumn to Norway with a bicycle??? Hääh???
But it came more and more realistic, by cycling further, supported by wind and a kind of inner calling.
Here the sentence came to my mind (see headline) ‚Friedenspilger in Rente – von wegen‘ and supported me to maybe really do it.
My mind told me again and again ‚this is so crazy, wrong season, it’s becoming winter!!!‘.
A plan, day by day, slowly developed in my spirit.
Getting now to Norway – cycling until end of October – leaving the bike there, while flying from November until May ’24, as planed to India and Nepal – coming back in mid of May, picking up the bike to continuing cycling all the way up north – having lots of time in the north of Norway and Scandinavia.
This plan sank in more and more.
Last Monday I arrived in Norway, in extreme heavy rain, was hosted by Cornelia and Tarald, which I know from Greece (helping refugees arrive in Lesvos 2015/16).
So now I have travelled in Norway already 2 days, today first rest day at a lake (first rest day since the journey started). In Norway everyone is allowed to camp in nature for free under simple rules (150m away from private property and leaving the place in good condition, taking away own trash). Weather is not easy, but manageable.
But…. difficulties arrived.
Sure, here are mountains, and they need to be climbed with the bike. This will get more easy steppp by steppp (on the bike) in time.
The equipment needs to adjusted to the season.
My shoes are all the time wet, have to get better water proofed shoes.
My jacked is kind of done, less water protection after 4 years use….
From Susanne in Angeln I got a wonderful cycling trousers, which dries pretty quick…. but another water proof trousers on top maid be needed …
…. summer equipment need to be sorted out
Yesterday I went a let’s say crazy way. It’s an official cycling way on the old post route. But so steep up and down, even in the lowest gear, the back tyre nearly did not grap anymore at sandy/little stone wet underground.
At the end of the day my ‚running app‘ which counts the km, said: 804 elevation meter gained. Don’t know if that’s true, but it was a taff day.
Furthermore my gears are not working good. It’s not quick enough to change. Than the right turning gear is almost out of order, it strikes and falls almost in pieces. Tomorrow I have to see a cycling repair shop. Don’t know, if that is able replace. I guess this turning gear piece is not to become here (tried already in Germany, it got a bit weak). So I don’t know, if it’s to replace by another system without having the whole Shimano system renewed. That maid be expensive. Puh….
Or is this bike even not to repair at all?….. Aaaahhhh….
As I still live from donations, all this is really stressing my small budget. What I learned from 11 years on the road – help has always come……and I am so greatful for it.
Remember, when I started on the 8th of September, I did not know, that my journey will take me to Norway. I had no clue.
I always follow me deepest callings of my heart.
And I always said: I don’t know from where I will fly to India. Don’t know, where the way, my inner guide leads me. That’s the reason, that I have even some luggage with me, which I need in India/Nepal.
To my friend Hans I recently shared, that I don’t receive in the moment in advance messages, they often come from in the ‚here and now‘.
Today is equinox. The day and night hours are the same on the whole planet. From here on winter comes to the north, summer to the south of our lovely planet earth, which I serve from the bottom of my heart.
Now, 21.9.23, 22:44, after days of heavy rain (arrival), sun, rain and storms (tent nearly flew away) the weather is very calm. The lake in front of my tent is mirror like.
Best greetings
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