

People on the road are present and overwhelmingly talkative towards me. Interested and questioning my appearance. It feels a bit, leaving the country soon, and a collective awareness is greeting. These all happens more and more, since I had this Corona shift/switch inside, a few weeks ago. And it seems to intensify. True is, I leave the state of Assam soon, but will enter Manipur, last state in India…

In Lakhipur a car stops. A journalist and a ‚peace walk helper‘ inside. Short story upload for the journalist. Then the helper organises a place to stay for the last night in Assam. Its a Christian youth center, right before a huge forest area appears. I have to walk another 4km. Chawnga recieves me on the way and we walk the last km together. But the key for my room is not to find. The pastor gets informed and they break the door open. With a spoken prayer by touching my shoulder I am sent on the way next morning.

People coming and coming, where are you from?, where do you go?, why do you do that?, can I help?, are you ok?, do you like some water?, cookies?, you are hungry?…..

‚I am a missionare‘, one man is coming…. The area from here on is again Christian dominated. Missionaries alway think, they have the ‚only‘ truth, everyone has to be convinced by Jesus Christ, only salvation, and surely people have to be converted. He acts like ‚I am the boss here, I now the truth’…. Without letting me explain, who I am, what I do, he seats me down in a shacky restaurant, served with 2 puri’s, somehow he has my phone, gets to youtube, subcribes me to his channel ‚….to heaven‘ and likes his video. Everything without asking me, if I wish so. I am just another one to convert… or whatever victim…. who needs salvation…. I heard about this Christian missionares way of agressive convertion before… And then he asks me suggestive questions to get intangled in the way, he would like the conversation to be, without having a fair and open basic talk….
I confront him, with his behaviour, still in his friendly personality, but in fact on a deeper level, very agressive, overwhelming action, ‚I know everything better, you know nothing, I have the truth, you need to know the truth-behaviour’…..
He has to stop talking like this to me, knowing even not the basics of my spiritual path….
A lot of relegions are so sad, when you are not the member of that religion. This is happening especially by Christians, when you dont answer in the first sentence, that you are also a Christian (implements, that you have not found the truth and Jesus Christ, who is the ONLY one, because he is the son of God, who can bring you peace)
Same happens with Moslems, when they find out, that you are not a Muslim, because ONLY by the teaching of the Quran you can bring you peace and love.
‚So you must be lost and need to be safed….‘
And then, when you tell them, that you are on paper a Christian, Moslem and Buddhist, and to the same time you are not a member of any religious organisation, then the confusion is perfect – and you can’t have found the truth…..
Anyway, he apologized…..
If you have found truth, love, peace, happiness, then there is no need to convert people. Because a human, who carries this wisdom inside, attracts automatically people, who search….

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