Inter State border
Inter State border …..
At the state border from Assam to Manipur, because of Corona, so many regulations. They need a new Covid19 test. So I am sent by so many officials back to Assam and I end up in a very small village hospital, which is actually more or less a maternity ward. One woman is clearly in labour (At the door ‚labor‘) and delivers just then a baby. 2 other ladies are in ‚the process’….
Its Sunday and no Covid19 test centre open here. They want to sent me away ‚come back on Monday 11am‘, but on Assam side, there is no hotel, only having an invitation at the Manipur side. There I cant go, because no test….
I decide just to sit there a bit longer until a solution arises. A responsible nurse makes some phonecalls, organises a Covid19 test, result negative.
Back to the ‚border‘, papers papers papers…. I have not seen a foreigner in month…. so the foreigner office has something to do.
My host had his phone off, later I learn, his battery died while having a puja at the Durga festivals, then it was already dark and I booked a hotel….
Two times more the foreign police officer had more questions, coming to my room….
All together Indian police is always friendly to foreigners….
They had also concerns, that I should not go through Manipur, because Myanmar border is sealed right now (because of Corona)
But walking step by step means also to me, walking to the border of Myanmar is right now right, to see what situation is there in one month…. and not to be worried….
As far as I know, this is the only border I could cross by walking coming from India….
The Superintendent of the police has to be informed…..
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