

I come along a poster of the Green Party in Germany, because the poster is criticised in the press because of it’s wrong information. It says: Have still big potatoes also without Glyphosate. Actually Glyphosate is forbidden in Germany for growing potatoes, because, as the information says: Glyphosate would kill the potatoes. The poison is taken by the plant through the leaves and gets transmitted to all parts of the plant incl. the seeds and roots. In fact it would kill the potato.

Glyphosate is used mainly for all kinds of grains.

What does the article further say?:

Was ist eigentlich Glyphosat?
Die Chemikalie ist das am häufigsten eingesetzte Pflanzengift der Welt. Das Herbizid tötet jede Pflanze, die nicht gentechnisch gegen das Gift resistent gemacht wurde. Die pflanzenvernichtenden Eigenschaften von Glyphosat wurden in den 1970er-Jahren von der US-Firma Monsanto patentiert, die der deutsche Chemiekonzern Bayer im Juni 2018 komplett übernommen hat.

Das Pflanzengift kam unter dem Namen „Roundup“ auf den Markt und wurde zum Verkaufsschlager.

„What is actually Glyphosate?
This chemical is the most used plant poison of the world. This herbicide kills every plant which is not genetically made resistant against this poison. The plant destroying characteristics of Glyphosate got 1970 patented by the US company Monsanto. The German chemical company Bayer bought in June 2018 the whole company.
The plant poison came with the name ‚roundup‘ on the market and became a best seller.“

And this we have to eat every day. Because humans don’t care about there health. They don’t eat organic. They don’t take care of other plants and flowers which are so important for bees and all insects. They don’t take care of our environment, soil and water.
We wonder about getting cancer, but we don’t see the connection to our food.
We don’t care about our planet, because we poison the soil and water.
Every bad action which is not according to universal orders is also punishing us.

I get really angry against this rude company, the politics, the farmers and the consumers.
Why is it possible, that this poison is used…. why….? How ignorant can the human race be?…. How much longer….?

Please, start eating organic and support the farmers in your country, who have a holistic view….
Yes it cost some more money for the food, but less for medication, operations, treatments…. All together it is for sure cheaper…. and it gives a much better feeling in your body, because you are in line with the health of yourself and the planet and you are in line with supporting life also on a animal/insect level….
Happiness comes also from this.

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