

Again 31km to the next Hotel, this time in Islampur. Also again the procidere: first to the police. The officer was very busy outside, so, after 11 hours since 6am on the road,  2 hours at the police station, another 1 hour help from police walking through Islampur, to find a hotel, which is willing to host a foreigner (foreigners are blamed in India to bring the virus).
Finally, we find a place, also cheap, a musty room. After the guys from the Police where gone, I find the bathroom was unusable, so a 40 minute clean up for the (only) most needed ….. puh

A friend of mine in whatsapp…. I just tell her, in the moment everything is most exhausting – and I have to be very careful about my body and mental health.
As a reflection I can look at my phone. It suffered so much the last 5 weeks. I dropped It a few times, glas broke,  a black screen followed. The screen was replaced then by another, but fake one. Now the screen has a totally blue light. I can’t see, if photos are good or not. The screen is super sensitive. Because of this,  functions do not work properly.
The cables are both half broken.
The power bank stopped working at all…..
This is just an example…
I have to be very careful with myself.

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