August Vipassana retreat

The reatreat happened from the 22nd of August to the 2nd of September. Coming there I am asked to serve the course. I really want to participate, to sit in silence the 10 days, because the technic opened up so many processes on different areas in my body, that I want to take the chance […]


Dear friends, It’s already the 13th of October when I do start updating the blog for the last 7 weeks. I am sitting in Skarma’s Ladakhi house on 3.300m elevation in Shushot Yokma, 12 km outside of Leh/Ladakh/India. The sun is shining bright outside, its around 11am, the snow toppef mountains are also shining in […]

Elisabeths visit – in german

Elisabeth hat mich im Juli in Ladakh besucht. Hier ihr Report in Deutsch: Thomas stand tatsächlich am Flughafen in der Früh ,mit Rucksack direkt von seinem Pilgerweg kommend  aus Stille und Natur, um mich willkommen zu heissen in Leh! Das war grossartig. Und das war auch die ganze Zeit, die ich dort mit ihm verbringen durfte. Thomas […]