
Dear friends,

It’s already the 13th of October when I do start updating the blog for the last 7 weeks.

I am sitting in Skarma’s Ladakhi house on 3.300m elevation in Shushot Yokma, 12 km outside of Leh/Ladakh/India. The sun is shining bright outside, its around 11am, the snow toppef mountains are also shining in there beauty in this gorgeous valley, wind is a bit cold, but little. Inside its cold. There is no heating yet installed for the winter. Because of the bright reflection of the sun on my smartphine, on which I write the blog, I can’t sit outside….. So I sit on my bed, covered in lots of blankets, knowing that the sun comes a bit around the house to shine into my room… in the hope of some warmer atmosphere and temperature.

This time it took a lot of preparation for being ready to write this blog. So much happened during the last weeks. So I had to understand, diguest and contemplate on lots of things….
The blog feels sometimes like a big task to do…. it’s often a energetically birth, which happens from my backside through my heart and belly…… and it’s quite an effort…… to the same time its a good resume ….. to put it in words….. And sometimes it needs a lot of reflection to know, what really happened, how to put it in words, what is the result of the happenings…. and I want always be honest, as much as I can and understand everything by myself….
Because writing about outer things happened is kind of easy, but here I do my work with all the inner experiences, who have to be understood, even for myself….. and to explain what happened is also not so easy, because it can be misunderstood, misinterpreted or misjudged, what I want to avoid….

To open myself up on this platform, by taking the risk of being misunderstood, somehow also a bit skary, but I am committed, to take that risk, to come to a most honest report ….. even when it is very personal. ….

My reports are a resume of my experiences and are a reflection of my inner process…. happy to be shared on this platform,  and does not mean, that is has to become someone’s else’s trueth…. but I love to inspire, to go deep inside and process the way to one’s own truth and wisdom….
That’s the reason, that I open up myself also on a very personal level, not to hide anything….
yes, so let’s start the report…..

Thanks for reading……

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