Welcome to Spiti Valley

After crossing the exit point of the ‚inner line‘ area a sign: ‚Welcome to Spiti Valley‘. Another main destination this year. From now on I have to slow down a bit. I am good in time. I enjoy even more the beautiful nature…. I rest much more, here and there a beautiful place to meditate in the nature.
At one point a while ago a side valley enloaded lots of stones during a heavy rain towards a bridge to be build. Now, brigde and stones are the same level. Metal for construction is just demolished and tapped together as a woolen ball.

In Tabo is another break point. A ‚market place‘, filling up proviant, eating fresh fruits. One of the few phone points, so I contact Aparna, to find out, that she is on the way again. Here is a old monastery,  build in 996 after Christ. Beside a new monestary and a big stupa. Young monks exercising outside some gestures of convincing others in conversations, I am allowed to stay in a dormitory of monasteries guest house, which is in renovation, another attraction are meditation caves, I meet some new and former met travellers, really nice…..

Among the travellers is a Israeli family with 3 kids. They always have a few years at home and then the whole family goes on a one year journey again. I met earlier families who have done a year off, but to do that on a regular basis is just fantastic, the best education for the kids at all, and super inspiring. Just great…..

I continue my slowness, find again nice places to rest, for example a beach at the Spiti river, and more meditation caves without any tourist use….

After Shichling – 3470m – the way goes up to 3.900m to Dankhar, a pictures village, again with old and new monestary.  Just arriving Dankhar I get stopped by a teacher of a government school. After a bit I sit with the students to exercise english practise.
The new monastery invites me and ’soon arriving Aparna‘ to stay for 3 nights. The room has the best view into the valley and snow covered 5-6000m mountains and glaciers on the other side of the valley.
The hole old monastery is really impressive. It’s constructed on outstanding rocks, overviewing the valley. At the entrance door it’s discriped, that 8 mountains are surrounding this monastery as a lotus and and any of the mountain ranges is ruled by a deva.
The monastery is 1040 years old and has a lot of levels and room for different use. Every day the monastery is open and all room can be visited. As in many monasteries there is always one guest room for the Dalai Lama reserved, so he can come any time. Special here, you can see and enter the room. I went all together 3 times, to look around and meditate there. Sure, also this building with religious and cultural tresures needs renovation.

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Email: steppps@gmx.de
Fb: Thomas Heinrich Schmöckel
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