
Dear friends,
I want to update this blog and I feel,  I have no words to write. Not that I have nothing to wright, but maybe, that, what could be announced, has no words…..
To make it clear, not something big has happend (even though always big and small things happens) that I have to write ’nothing’…. it’s just not needed to write something…..

Still here are some words…. to update you a bit….

I am on my path to Kaza, Spiti Valley and Leh/Ladakh…. and I do want to follow this  ‚God-given‘ path,  inside and outside…. even here and there some difficulties are on the way…. it’s a beautiful path…. I am grateful….

Aparna left the walk, joint me on the way to Nepal ( to renew my Visa), left again towards her home in south India. .and thinks of joining again…. let’s see….

The bus ride to Nepal was exhausting, 3 times around 12h ride in one direction and 3 bus rides back to continue the walk…. All together includes 3 night bus rides….. puh. … it took me a while to arrive back on the walking path…..

Now the weather has a cold period, snow 800m more up ( I am at around 2200m ), but it seems, the very cold days come to an end in latest two days….

I reported about supporting from now on the whole group, and I feel, it will enfold naturally. .. fear is gone. …. in a flow

I enjoy very much to be back at ‚Buddha land‘, this and the upcoming area, where are lots of monasteries around, where the spirit of ’space‘ and deepness is feelable….

I love continuing meditating…. it’s so beautiful and connectable…. inside my self. Often I get up at 4/4.30h to have at least 1h or more meditation….

I will have from soon on until end of June less, little or no internet….

And again

Dear friends,
I want to update this blog and I feel,  I have no words to write. Not that I have nothing to wright, but maybe, that, what could be announced, has no words…..
To make it clear, not something big has happend (even though always big and small things happens) that I have to write ’nothing’…. it’s just not needed to write something…..


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