Amman, 22.2.2017
Dear friends.
Being back in Amman I feel ready to leave for Iran/Tehran to continue the peace walk.
Tomorrow and on saturday I can finish my Visa issues, so then finally I have my Visa in the passport.
The flight to get to Tehran seems to become a „thing“. I sat hours on my smartphone to book a flight. All of them seem to be full?!? Anyway until now, I was not able to get a relativly „cheap“ flight. The cheapest starts with 220 Euro plus….. I tried everything until 380 Euros. But the result was always: „the flight is not avaible……“. This never happend to me before.
I have to think of other options. There will be a way and a solution.
Patients – and…… does the univers want something else from me – until then???
It has been a difficult and a long way to figure out, what to do….
I was tempted, called, attracted to see Mooji in India –
I concider him as my teacher since a while, some years. Always when he is teaching in India, there is a longing to be there.
I felt, that the peacewalk in this way, I have done it until here, would have been finished by flying to India.
About maybe 4 weeks ago, my friend Bernd from California mentioned in a phonecall „You can first fly to India, after you fly to Tehran and continue your walk. Hmmmmm. That was another option…… never thought about this before.
Beside not having that much money to fly around here and there, it also felt strange…..
So I ask myself „Is it my mind, my proud, holding on an idea (what is maybe not up to date anymore)…….“
It took a long while. Always, when I did the decision to continue the walk, it came around the corner, to maybe getting to India again and again……
So I also continued asking my heart „What is to do, what do you want and so on…….“. Do I have to let go of the peace walk?
Holger and the meditation group from Flensburg also mentioned that it could be a good option to see Mooji to get some new inspiration.
In the end I found peace not to fly to India. And to continue the peacewalk from Tehran east.
With live broadcasting the satsang from India I can now follow the teachings every morning at 6:30h. Since I watch the satsang I feel also being there every day. I am connected. And while whatching I do not have the feeling, I do have to be there in body.
I also had not the feelings, that my body issues, like the cramps, knee trouble or and also lower back pain where there, to show me, „go another way“. They are more or less the result of to much consumption of all together healthy food. (I am working on it)
I have been twice back at the farm „Children of the Valley“. I worked on 2 trees. They are now freed from old wood. From rubish. And they have now stone circles around. Looks really nice. Oases of calmness and beauty. I had wonderful moments to work with the trees. Every little branch, every stone „spoke“ to me.
The Kuhbaizeh festival had started on the farm. Kuhbaizeh is a „weed“ out of the Malve family and can be eaten.
Finally also the „Children of the Valley“ took over the ‚peace bird for Syria‘ project in Jordan. Also they want to continue making peace birds for Palestine and Israel, what we just started only a little bit. That kind of make very much sence, the farm is just 500 Meter away from the Palestinian border and its only 30km to Jerusalem.
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