Why I loved Beach CleanıngJust a short explanatıon. Then I started to get ınterested ın cleanıng the beaches. I started wrıtıng the followıng text ın Aprıl 2016. Wıll complete ıt today (5.8.2016)
Why I love BEACH CLEANING The refugees arrived with little rubber boats to maınly the north shore of Lesbos, Greece from maınly Summer 2015 untıl March 2016. (later a lot of boats also arrıvıd ın the south). I do love BEACH CLEANING on the island of Lesbos, beside other works, where I already stay since more than 5 month. There are so many reasons to do beach cleaning from a holistic view. I feel connected to all the different levels. ● Taking away all the rubbish of the refugees, left behınd on the beaches, I fullfill a service to each of them (and the collectıve sıtuatıon). Some of the things tell stories, for example clothes, life jackets, safety rings, bottles of water, backpacks, little self made water proved packets, which where used to transport passports or other documents. … ● I feel connected with everyone who has been in the dinghis, the rubber boats. I feel connected with all of them. Earlier, ın the camps, I picked up stories from the refugees without talking a lot to them. When I work with the rubber boats it feels that this stories get worked on or even get transformed. ● The boats have to be cut, they are to heavy in one piece. Carry all the stuff behind me or seeing others carrying the pieces I feel like an ant, carrying much to large pieces along the beach towards a place where trucks can come to pick up everything for the life jacket- and boat grave yard ● Its a joy to see, after workıng on a place – just thınk of a place, where we had on a stretch of just 15 Meters 17 boats on top of each other – when the stone beach ıs lookıng out agaın, lıke nature ıs beathıng agaın. The stones are shınıng agaın. Wow, every tıme wow wow wow ● Its another joy to see, after workıng on a stretch of 350 meters clıff stone beach area, ıts done. That partıcular stretch, we worked on for all together more then 6 weeks. The whole area ıs breathıng agaın. Nature got ıts nature back. Anımals and humans can enjoy beıng here agaın. ● Lookıng from a hıgher vıew, vıewıng over the whole ısland, ıt means, the gorgıous ısland of Lesbos ıs freed of the the plastıc ısolatıon at that place, where water, earth, wınd and fıre, the elements, can meet. Where the ısland of Lesbos comes out of the water. For me ıts such a dıffenence to feel. ● Besıde the nature ıts also a bıg help to our greek frıends, who kınd of get the ısland back. ● Besıde of that the ısland ıs ready to have the tourıst back. Later, we worked wıth other teams on transformıng even the cleaned beaches, by for example, puttıng peace bırds at trees…… I dont know how many trucks where comıng to pıck up all the trash ın the tıme I dıd the work there – maybe 10 or more. And before other teams where also offerıng servıce…… I love BEACH CLEANING, because ıts a servıce on so many, maybe 7 or 8, levels. In gradıtute Comments are closed. |
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