After the retreat. New plansDear friends. The silent retreat is over. I had a very intense and challenging 11 days. Lots of the time I was busy to make peace birds. In March we bought 1000 sheets of waterproofed paper, so we could also distribute outside in trees and so on. they are all done now. During the retreat I was bringing around 50 to the life jacket and boat grave yard, another 50 to the beaches around Eftalou, where the refugees arrived last year. More than 200 will go to Molivos on Sunday. The village is suffering a lot from to little tourists as a result of last years happenings. Next Wednesday 13th of July I do a peace walk from Eftalou to Mytilini. This is the route where refugees where walking last year. The peacewalk is necessary to transform energies and anyway always helpful for developing concioussness. Outside and inside. Everyone is invited to come. After I will stay in Mytilini for some days. Then I change my transportation to ferry to Turkey and bus to Izmir. Some days there. The surprise of the retreat is, that I afterwards travel not to Iran, Tehran, to continue the peacewalk yet. I will travel to south Turkey to the region of Hatay/Antakya/Reyhanlı. This is close to the Syrian border. Here I start a project ‚peacebirds for syria‘. The idea is to sent peace birds into Syria. People from around the world can sent peace birds with wishes and adresses to south Turkey, and we will arrange to bring them to people in Syria. To spread a new concioussness, hope, love and peace. Further information soon here and on facebook. Because of that I will stay a while in Turkey….. maybe some other countries in the area too….. ….And it is possible, that I continue the peace walk from Tehran towards east only later, beginning of very early spring, late winter 2017. Love Thomas
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