Retreat to Initiate the PEACE PRAYER ROOM for the MIDDLE EAST with an INTERSPIRITUAL CELEBRATION WEEK in the Valley of Peace/Jordan

Thomas writes:

At the Valley of Peace we have a very special room.
This room is half in the earth, half above.
This room will be initiated, dedicated, inaugurated for the use of PEACE PRAYERS for the MIDDLE EAST and the WORLD next week.

Every Tuesday we have a PEACE PRAYER DAY for the MIDDLE EAST and the WORLD. We celebrated it already twice as a Silent Day.

Next week, we have
the Christian HOLY WEEK with EASTER 13.-21.4.
and the Jewish PASSOVER 15.-22.4.

So, from Sunday 13th until Sunday 20th we will celebrate with a retreat the initatiation, dedication and inauguration of the PEACE PRAYER ROOM for the MIDDLE EAST and the WORLD

You are so invited to join (scedule soon) with a lot or total silence practise.

We want to practise
with christians, muslims, jewish, buddhist and others
the whole week
from our hearts
in silence
with prayers at muslim times
with mindfulness practise, meditation and walking meditations

with people from all these traditions, please come and have a INTERSPIRITUAL CELEBRATION WEEK inside and outside.

You are so invited!!!
And we hope so much, someone from Israel is also coming.

If you can’t come, but you are with us, please leave a comment at the facebook side ’steppps peacewalk‘ or ‚peacewadi‘ And anyway you can practise, whereever you are, and how long you want.

With so much love

See also

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