Honor to Mohammed Atiyeh
Hallo friends:
I want to honor this friend. Mohammad Atiyeh. He is the founder of the Valley of Peace, where I know stay since about 6 weeks.
In the Jordan Valley, he has a farm with date palms. He was the first, who brought palms to Jordan, in 1979.
He was the first, who brought green houses to Jordan!!!!
He was (one of?) the first working with irrigation systems in Jordan….
He is also a very important artist and art supporter in Jordan
Now he works in Amman with USAid on a concept, to promote Solar Energy for Jordan
I am here to help giving birth to a unbelievable project on his farm
Valley of Peace, which includes
– Organic Farming
– Earth School
– Peace Community
1) Within the next weeks an organic farm will be established on his farm. There was an empty space since 10 years. Now the time is ripe to manifest. Also the date palms will benefit from it by being fertilized by organic dung….
2) There will be solar panels installed to cover up the needs of the farms and show to others
3) The trash cleaning project on the street, 3,5 km long, is on the way to manifest, the governor is already supporting the idea and helping to get others involved: schools and ministry of agriculture
4) Earth school will teach others about for example making baskets from palm leaves, organic farming, solar energy……
5) Peace community is on the way to establish, to support peace on the land and the valley, from people, who live here, volunteers and workers, peace in- and outside 🙂
This man is wonderful and needs to be honored, needs your support by prayers and actions.
Here we need volunteers to support mother earth in general and Mohammad on this farm. Give it a chance for Jordan and this wonder wonderful planet earth.
Hear the call to be a volunteer here in Jordan!!!!!
(Foto and link to Valley of Peace see further down)
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