Israel und Palaestina

Thomas writes:
Thanks to Sandra, who joint us for 7 days and did this foto. In the back you see the rock temple and the old city of Jerusalem. We had really nice wether, sunny :-), and with sunset it always cools down a lot, so we dress a lot than.

Hans, Thomas and Sandra

I am very happy, Hans and me are writing a report to the same time!!!! Something new to read for you. And maybe I can copy another report from Sandra also, will see…..

Lots lots lots of things happend since my last report in December 🙂 (see also the short update from 24.1. on facebook – klick the feet picture on the right site.)

Today it 21 mounth ago, that I/we left with a group of people from Intersein Zentrum in Germany. Since than there are nearly 7.000 km walked (5km are missing to 7000). All together 641 days on the road for peace 🙂 Around 20 people where walking with steppps since than.
It is still so beautiful to walk for peace – for me still the best job in the world. So this I told also the mayor of Jerusalem, same days ago, whereon he answered: For me the best job in the world is, to be the mayor of Jerusalem. 🙂

Special Highlights where the toning-sessions, we had together with Hans and Sandra. I want to discribe 2 of these events.
The first topic for toning I was carrying around some weeks. I was walking and waking it up in Israel step by step, understanding more and more until we were sitting finally together in a circle.
Through some talks with some hosts, I found out, that there is still one left over, a deep pain from the Holocaust. The elder people, which faced the Holocaust, have often already died. Very often they did not talk about there pain or experiences. So now, the children of them, often around 50, 60… carry around a deep pain, what comes from there ancestors. Its not there pain, it is the pain they inherited from they fathers or mothers or even from uncles or aunts. Its mostly a unconsciously pain, but is really effecting the life of the people and also the collective life. So it was wonderful to have a toning session for that, helping to release this deep pain, making it aware…..
The second topic Sandra brought with her.
Its about the female aspect, the female energy in this part of the world, which is repressed. So we where doing a ritual to invite the feminine aspect to Israel/Palestine and the whole area. Sandra has developed in herself deep connection to the goddess  energy, is representing it by herself, so we where able, together, to make this deep need to the region happen, to put some puzzle pieces for the fulfilling image in the frame. Thanks so much.

In Bethlehem we met Sami Awad, the director of the Holy Land Trust  This Palaestinien Organisation started in the 90th with political actions and changed now to a very spiritual acting group. So there will be a big healing event in Germany, Freiburg, this February, where people from Germany, Israel and Palestine work on healing the history of Holocaust, guild and fear…. Who can, please join in. I guess it will be very very powerful. Thanks for everybody, who joins this event.

In and after Tel Aviv we met now more and more people, who are involved in the work, spread by Thich Nhat Hanh and it is wonderful to be together with mindful people. Baruch and Sheyla from Jerusalem and Rachel from Tel Aviv and others are very good networker and have founded and supported so many good work for healing in the entire region. Thanks to them. Also I want to thank EcoMe at the Jericho junction for there wonderful work to bring Palestineans and Israelis together for communication in every level for peace.

In Jerusalem Hans and I felt here and there invited by the silence room in the Armenien Church and we enjoyed doing our peace work also through meditation and deep prayers there.

So tomorrow, Hans and I go different ways for around 7-10 days. He is going to the Sea of Galilae and I will walk again into Jordan, because of some reasons. First I will met a syrien refugee boy in the age of 14, who is interested to learn more about peace. I want to get to know him and do like to connect him with some people and groups here in Israel and Palestine to learn more about peace and how to make it happen. I also will get a wish of him get through – he wishes to get a bicycle and a football and maybe probably I have already the money together.

Also I need to go to Jordan, to see the Saudi Arabien Embassey to hopefully get a 9 mounth Visa to go to Mekka and Medina – after Kuwait. For this I already went in Jerusalem to the Mufti to get a paper, that allowes me to go there. Anyway I am working on it inside and outside. Mohammed, which I met before in Jordan and maybe my hosts in Amman maid help or assist me in this.

The 3rd reason to go to Jordan is to connect on an energetic level more the Israelien people to Jordan. Especially I feel, the Israel country and the people should support the much poorer country on the other side of the river Jordan. Also Israel and Jordan needs much more exchange between the countries in many levels.

In the last weeks I am asked more and more to pray and meditate for different people. I really like to do that and it is an honor to me. Some days ago I saw in the news, that there is Rania, which I met in southern Tuerkey, involved in the peace talks for Syria in Genf/Switzerland. I include also my prayers to her and the whole peace conference. May it be a success soon.

And to the end: something to smile
Yesterday we arrived in Jericho and we got offered a whole house….. A whole house of dust……. There was/is dust everywhere, on the mattresses, the blancets and so on. Hans mentioned, this is desert training – dust training.

Blessings to you all, be well


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