New Years Greetings from Kiyiköy/Turkey
Thomas writes:
It is a long time ago that I wrote something in english in this blog and I want to apologize!!!! 🙂
In the mean time lots of things happened, partly Magdalena reported.
Little Overview:
I continued walking alone from Bukarest/Romania.
In Bulgaria I walked along the Black Sea Coast south.
Around mid of November I stopped walking for six weeks, went to Sofia by bus and to the mountains in the north of Sofia. Didn’t know if this would be the place for the winter to stay. But suddenly I heard my inner voice telling me to continue walking from the 27th of December. So I went back to Black Sea coast, where I stopped walking and continued the walk south toward Turkey, where I arrived at the 1st of January 2013. In the moment I stay in Kiyiköy/Black Sea at the very northwest of Turkey. Here a have a break for all together 5 days for relaxation, digestion and organisation work. In two days I continue walking towards Istanbul, which I plan to reach around the 20th of January with my friend Hans. He is flying in on the 15th of January.
It seems so, that from Istanbul on some pilgrims are join in, but recently everythings is changing, so it is not clear for me to see, who is coming when and where. Susanne from Vienna is coming for sure to Istanbul, later Magdalena?, Paulin from France and another Susanne from Germany announced there coming. Also two or three friends from Switzerland maid come during the time in Turkey. But everthing is ok for me with this situation. I see, there will be a reason for everything and everything will fit perfectly together, when the time is coming.
Annelie is writing a book about her experience during her stay in Romania – I am looking forward to read the script soon.
Paulin, Paulın’s father and Magdalena, think of founding a organisation to coordinate the help for some people, we met on the way – see also ’steppps helps‘ on the left side.
Paulin, Magdalena, Susanne from Vienna and Annelie administrate a facebook side ’steppps peacewalk‘
You see, there is a lot going on.
Today I want to share some thoughts I have, as I did in the german new years article some days ago.
First a little poem or how ever you want to call it:
Every step in joy – a joyful action
Every step in peace – a peaceful action
Every step a stamp from your heart on the ground – a greet for mother earth
Every step in light – an action full of light
Here and now
And here are the thoughts, the wisdoms:
We are all connected.
Everyone has an effect on the collective field.
We are all connected.
When we do understand, experience, know, that we are connected with each other – we are already very close to peace!!!
Not only we humans are connected with each other – all beings are, humans, animals, plants, stones, we are connected with all the elements, we are one with the earth, also with the entire cosmos – everything is interweaved. It is worth to think about this, to meditate on it.
Everyone has an effect on the collective field.
There a lot of these collectiv fields. That of a family, a group, a community, a village or town, a country, the earth……
Everyone is a part of this collectiv conciousness/field and what it contents. And everyone is able to feel it, to experience it. Therefore we are perfectly endowed with our whole feelings and body feelings. We are immediate able, with the first connection of a group, a family, village, country…… to realize this field…. it need only some volition, trust and courage to try.
Every thought of this group, for example a village, influenced the collectiv field. Very often it is just a single person in this group, this village, which emboss, formes significantly the collective conciousness. I often experiences this clearly during the peace pilgrimage.
In a lot of villages for example, there is a litte shop, the meeting point of the village. Is there a person who has ‚low level thoughts‘ and the people are influenced by this, they adopt this, this is influencing the invisible field of this community.
Is there at the same place a person, who is balancing, compassionate, loving, forgiving, conciliating…. this is influencing a lot the village, the collective field of the village.
Very often it is only one person, which take others with him/her. Therefor you find a lot of examples in history.
(I believe, everyone has felt a collectiv field already – it is easy to realise, if you go from one country to another while crossing the border)
We are now on the way towards a ’new conciousness‘ on this earth. Everyone is responsible, to try to do his/her best for the New Age.
The religions for example try to teach this too.
If we try to come to the center of each religion, we will see, that all the religions in there essence want to teach the ‚one truth‘. If we can’t find the ‚one truth‘ within the teachings, we can try to seach by ourself, for example in meditation in a questioning prayer……
Lots of people have already found deep truths and transform them into there lifes. This truths from the highest sources (or deepest heart source) influences our collectiv fields most, they are connected with the cosmic laws and because of that, they will enfould soon or later.
During the peace pilgrimage we are working a lot with this fields. Our steppps shall bring our part into it, to lıft up the collective conciousness on this planet, we are helping togehter with lots of other beeings on this planet – to bring ’new conciousness for a new age‘ down to here.
We/I ask you, please help in your inviroment. It is a big joy!!
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