News from a peace-ambassador in FranceMagdalena writes: Dear friends:) as I wrote already the last time, even though I am not at the pilgrimage itself at the moment, my thoughts are a lot with Thomas and the topic of peace. To met Thomas and the pilgrimage was and is a biiiiig gift, because it brought me to think deeply about one of the most important topics in life: PEACE…and not just thinking about but finding and practicing ways of living it – first in myself, than in our pilgrims group, with people around us, the wonderful nature we were walking through, with instituions and organisations we meet on the way. While I am taking a break of walking I am working now on ideas how to spread the news about our wonderful project, to reach more people like you – to inspire them and motivate them, to look for their opportunities for peacework in their daily lifes and to look for the good that is already going on everywhere around us. One step was to create a page on facebook (steppps is really up to date now;), it is called „steppps – Peacewalk“. If you are interessted just have a look, their you can share thoughts about the project or peace you have, write some inspirations or get in touch with other people. So at the moment I am in France with Paulin, who walked with us for three month (as a lot of you can propably remember:). Together we are working on another idea about direct help for people or organisations in need, we meet on the way, like Maria Posa, Lucian and so on. Just today I was talking to Lucian, who remembered me, that there are a lot of people not as lucky as me and you, who have real troubles just with getting the most necessary for life, like food, fuel, clothes and medicine.Tomorrow I will call Josefine, the contact woman for Maria Posa, with her two grandchildren in Romania, who are really in need of support too. I know it is not done by just sending money to people (it can be a first step), but to figure out how this people can help themselve and find support just close to them and to give them hope and believe in the world. But for sure, we who know about the needs and are in the position to help, should see what we can do. Give and share – what we have, our time and love:) And a another step can be too, to be aware of this situations and send good and loving energy, to pray and meditate for this people. So, peace ambassadors working all over Europe:) Thomas in Bulgaria, Paulin and me in France, Annelie and Aurelia in Germany, Susanne, Bruno and Michael in Austria. The pilgrimage connected all of us over the shared time while walking. Peace and the work for peace is connecting:) Two weeks ago I have been to a very interessting workshop in London. A workshop from the UPF and the Unification Movment. There I met people who really found their believe and based on this believe they develope a lot of wonderful projects for peacework- interreligious, intercultural, international. This time showed me, how important it is to know what I am believing in, trust in this believe and let me guide from it, so that my actions are based on love and for a greater good. Lets get in touch with the godlike in ourselves, with our higherself, with the allconnecting energy, with our souls…or however everybody is calling it. I wish you all a wonderful time in this last days of the year, a lot of relaxation, shared times with loved ones, good thoughts, conscious moments, happy being, deep looking to the inside and a lot of smiles in and around you. And a lot of Christmas beauty:) Take care of YOU and the people around For the end a picture, it fits well to the time of the year: winter:) – sending peace in all directions in September in the Fagaras mountains. Comments are closed. |
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