peacemessages in EnglishMagdalena in English:) it seems to me, it is the time to write more in English. By now we already met a lot of people who can follow us just, when it is in English, so lets get a bit more intercultural. As we are just speaking English in our group it is okay, it is getting more difficult to find the good words in German;) Since we left Stadtschlaining our way is just accompanied by amazaing experiences, in the group and outside from the people we meet, who open their doors and hearts for us. Five days we are already in Hungary, so mentality changed, we can feel, but we are very welcome here. It seems, as we are really working on ourselves looking for peace inside of us and our group, this energy makes waves and touches everything around us. As I wrote the last time I am thinking a lot about the topic of peace, what is peace… So I decided to ask people we are meeting on our way and I think it is nice to share the thoughts and answers with you. Peace is… …living in happiness – less trouble, less tension ˝Fema/Algeria˝ …tranquility in myself, stability ˝Daniel/Aethopia˝ …inner happiness ˝Henry/Uganda˝ …(inner-) serenity ˝Mouriel/Switzerland˝ …life, makes fun, is just good and right, something you feel ˝Elias/Austria˝ …communication, a process ˝Khawatar/Sudan˝ …being healthy – staying healthy, being content ˝Anneliese/Austria˝ …peace at home, being content, not a to big difference between rich and poor ˝Georg/Austria˝ …consequence to freedom and love ˝Paulin/France˝ …harmony with yourself and the universe ˝Thomas/Germany˝ …being in good terms with others, be free inside – clear – pure ˝Mary/Uganda˝ …first peace in yourself – than with others – than with the world, be in peace with your soul, do not be angry against yourself, you have to feel what it means to be peacful ˝Hameed/Sudan˝ …a state of mind ˝?˝ …happiness ˝?˝ …loving yourself – loving others, really feeling, expressing and dealing with all of your emotions – letting the energies flow ˝Magdalena/Germany˝ …patience, balance ˝inspired by people I met˝ All of this answers are really worth to be contemplated…I do it:) And I am looking forward to much more anwers and inspirations that will help me more and more to feel! If there are some things in your mind…let me know: magdalena-lisowski@gmx.de For know, I wish you a wonderful time SunSmilePeace
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